This privacy policy refers to the data held by THE TROUT INN, Faringdon Road, Lechlade Gloucestershire It explains when, how and why we collect personal information about our customers,
staff and suppliers, how we use it and how we keep it secure and your rights in
relation to it. It includes information regarding cookies and the privacy of
users choosing to visit our website www.thetroutinn.com. We may collect, use and store your personal data, as described in this Data Privacy Policy and as described when we collect data from you on a verbal basis.
1) About this policy
The policy determines the key areas where user privacy must be taken into account and summarises the responsibilities and obligations of the website, its owners and its users
We reserve the right to amend this Data Privacy Policy from time to time without
prior notice. You are advised to check our website http://www.thetroutinn.com/privacy-policy
We will always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when dealing
with your personal data. Further details on the GDPR can be found at the website for the Information Commissioner (www.ico.gov.uk). For the purposes of the GDPR, we will be the "controller" of all personal data we
hold about you.
2) What information we collect and why
Customers and prospective customers
Name, address, telephone number, email address, payment card details car registration number (campers only) This information can be collected, by email, telephone or
with face to face contact.To manage table reservations, functions, take payments, campsite bookings, car parking
when leaving vehicles
Name, address, telephone number, email address, VAT number, banking details (for BACS
Name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, nationality, next of
kin, NINO, tax code and any further information required by HMRC for the
purpose of managing staff payroll and personnel.
Legal basis of processing:
For the purposes of our legitimate interests in operating our business.
Allocating tables, pitches, parking spaces. Processing payroll as required by
HMRC, contact numbers of family/next of kin in case of emergencies and contact
details to ensure adequate staff coverage. Processing accounts as required by
We do not hold electronic mailing lists.
3) How we protect your personal data
We will not knowingly transfer your personal data outside the EU without your consent.
Your data is only accessible by us and our staff to be used as stated above.
We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security
in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse, or unauthorised alteration
or destruction. Please note however that where you are transmitting information
to us over the internet this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure.
Our card payments are processed either with customer present via a processing terminal
or occasionally over the telephone. The receipts of these transactions are
stored according to industry security standards. and we are Industry Standard
PCI Compliant. We do not take online payments.
We will notify you promptly in the event of any breach of your personal data which
might expose you to serious risk.
4) Who else has access to the information you provide us.
We will never sell your personal data. We will not share your personal data with any
third parties without your prior consent (which you are free to withhold)
except where required to do so by law or as set out below.
We may pass your personal data to third parties who are service providers, agents and
subcontractors to us for the purposes of completing tasks. Examples of these,
but not limited to are bands, disco operators, external caterers, marquee
companies, boat hire companies, booking agents for marquee theatre reservations.
However, we disclose only the personal data that is necessary for the third party to
deliver the service. Other examples, not an exhaustive list, but primarily and
who we have a legitimate reason to share your information with are:
HMRC, Nest pension service, Sage Accounting Package, Sage Drive (Accounting
back up) , Sage Wages Package, R.M.S. payment services, Nat West Bank, Microsoft
One Drive Backup, (certain items only such as wages and accounting records) our
Email Provider.
We have checked these entities have their own appropriate GDPR policies.
5) How long do we keep your information?
We will hold your personal data on our systems for as long as you are a regular
customer, employee, supplier and for as long afterwards as required to comply
with our legal obligations. We will review your personal data every year to
establish whether we are still entitled to process it. For the purpose of
clarity this can be up to 15 years as some of our GPDR compliant third party
providers of accounts, payroll and pensions keep the details for this long as
standard on our behalf.
If we are not entitled to do so, we will stop processing your personal data except that
we will retain your personal data in an archived form in order to be able to
comply with future legal obligations e.g. compliance with tax requirements and
exemptions, and the establishment exercise or defence of legal claims. We
securely destroy all financial information once we have used it and no longer
need it.
6) Our Website
We take an active interest in user privacy by ensuring that steps
are taken to guard user privacy throughout the duration of their visit to the
site. This website is compliant with all UK legislation and adheres to all
requirements regarding user privacy. The site does not carry any paid
advertising, sponsored links or referral programmes.
Contact and Communication
Users who choose to contact this website and provide any personal
details do so at their own discretion and their own risk. Your personal
information remains private and will be stored securely until it has no use or
is no longer required. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that a safe
and secure form to email submission process has been created, users who choose
to use the form are advised that they do so at their own risk.
Any information submitted is used by the us in order to provide you with additional information
about our services and any products we offer. We may also use such details to
assist you by answering any questions or responding to any queries you may have
submitted. At present we do not operate any email newsletter, and the policy
will be amended if this changes. Your personal details will not be passed to
any third party unless you expressly request this. (See section 4 for possible
In order to improve a user's experience, cookies collect data
pertaining to how they use this site. Cookies are small files, saved onto the
user's hard drive, which track, save and store information about how the user
interacts with a website. This provides the business with the means to tailor
the user's experience of this website.
In the event that users wish to prevent the use and saving of cookies from this website to their
computers, they are advised to visit their web browser's security settings and
block all cookies from this website and its external partners.
This website also uses tracking software which enables the company to monitor their visitors and
better understand how the website is used. This tracking software is provided
by Google Analytics and uses cookies to trace visitor usage. The software will
track and monitor engagement and usage of a website by saving a cookie to the
user's hard drive. However, the software will not collect, save or store any
personal information. For further information, you can refer to Google's
privacy policy here - http://www.google.com/privacy.html
The site does not carry any paid advertising, sponsored links or
referral programmes.
Mailing Lists
We do not hold any electronic mailing lists
External Links
Though this website strives to only include safe, high quality and
relevant links, it is recommended that users approach any external links with
caution. External links are used within text, banners, buttons and images to
link users to another website.
The owners of this website cannot be held responsible for or
validate the content of externally linked websites. By clicking on an external
link, you do so at your own risk. This website and its owners cannot be held
liable for any implications or damages arising as a result of visiting any
external links.
Social Media
Where this website and its owners participate on social media
platforms, their communication, engagement and actions are subject to the terms
and conditions and privacy policies stipulated by each social media platform.
Users of social media are advised to communicate and engage with
due care, particularly where their own privacy and personal details are
concerned. Neither this website, nor its owners, will ever request for personal
or sensitive information to be provided via social media platforms. Users who
wish to discuss sensitive details are encouraged to do so using primary methods
of communication such as telephone or email.
Where this website chooses to use social sharing buttons, they do
so to facilitate the sharing of web content directly from web pages via the
chosen social media platform. Prior to using such social sharing buttons, users
should be aware that they use such buttons at their own risk and that the
social media platform in question may track and save a request to share a web
page via a social media account.
Shortened Links
The owners of this website may choose to share web links to
relevant web pages using their social media platform accounts. Some social
media platforms may choose to shorten long URLs (web addresses), for example:
Users should take caution and employ good judgement prior to
clicking any shortened URLs published by this website and its owners on social
media. Whilst this business and its owners aim to ensure that only authentic
links are shared on their social media platforms, social media platforms are
susceptible to spam and hackers. As such, this website cannot be held responsible
for any implications or damage initiated by clicking any shortened link.
7. Your rights
You have rights under the GDPR:
(a) to access your personal data.
(b) to be provided with information about how your personal data is processed.
(c) to have your personal data corrected.
(d) to have your personal data erased in certain circumstances.
(e) to object to or restrict how your personal data is processed.
(f) to have your personal data transferred to yourself or to another business
in certain circumstances.
You have the right to take any complaints about how we process your personal data to the
Information Commissioner:
Website: https://ico.org.uk/concerns/
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Commissioner's Office:
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
For more details, please address any questions, comments and requests regarding our data
processing practices to our Data Protection Manager:
Elizabeth Roberts. [email protected]